What is the Glass-Analysis Decoding Method?

Glass-Analysis is a proven approach to teaching decoding — symbol-to-sound identifications based on the auditory and visual attention and focus. Not like any other word analysis or phonics approach, Glass-Analysis uses words and a rapid question/response technique which is easy for students to grasp.

Why is it effective?

First and foremost, the Glass-Analysis approach is simple. Students do not memorize rules and/or principles of language. They do not have to figure out whether vowels are long or short. The straightforward question and answer routine leads to correct responses often enough so that an automatic response to letters and sounds is the result.

In addition, Glass-Analysis is not a “reading program.” It is a DECODING-ONLY program. It does not undermine, but only enhances, other activities in a reading program. Almost 50 years of success assures that the Glass approach works.

What types of students is it designed for?

Glass-Analysis is designed for students of ALL AGES as well as those who are learning English as a second language. The Glass method has also been proven successful for adults with literacy challenges and children with attention issues. For those with serious deficits in attention, the Glass-Analysis program should be initially used in short sessions with other activities added to keep student engagement.

Do you ship internationally?

Absolutely. Glass-Analysis has been used worldwide with many successful teachers and students in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Arabian Peninsula. No matter where people need help learning to read English, Glass-Analysis can help.

What if I need help understanding how to use the program?

Dr. Esther Glass is available via phone or email to help teachers make the most out of the Glass-Analysis program. Our instructional DVD/web video series is also a great tool to get teachers off on the right foot.